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Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Happy 2 Months Caleb!

Has it been two months already?!

Again, I am late posting this, but I have just accepted that will probably the case for a while. And I applaud all those moms out there still faithfully blogging with multiple kiddos! You all deserve a pat on the back and a gold star. For real! Also since I am a couple of weeks posting this, it is crazy how much bigger Caleb already seems to me since they change so much so quickly their first year of life!

His stats
At his two month appointment, Caleb weighed 11 lbs 15 oz (42%) and was 24.5" long (96%). He can wear 0-3 month clothing best right now though some of them are a little short. His eyes are still dark blue and I sure hope they stay that way (this brown-eyed girl always wishes she had blue eyes), but we won't know what color they will be for good until later.

He is still sleeping in the swing at night. We are trying to nap him in his crib or pack n play occasionally but he will usually only last 15-20 minutes. The longest time he has slept is 8 1/2 hrs but that was a one time deal. He usually sleeps in 4 or 5 hr chunks, which is a huge improvement and Mommy and Daddy are both thankful for more sleep!

Things Caleb likes
-Standing up
-Looking outward when being held (still)
-Smiling when we "tickle" him/ talk in a high pitched/sing songy voice- He really started smiling socially around 4-5 weeks and we sure love his smiles! He smiles a lot, especially after his morning feeding.

-He can hold things a rattle and stuff animals

-He still likes when we read to him
-the mornings are his happiest time of day
-His kick n play mat- he's seemed to figure out it makes noise

-According to Daddy, John Mayer ;)
-Looking at the lights/fan/ up in general
-the mirror

-He still usually likes the Moby wrap, but his legs stick out of it- he doesn't like to be curled up anymore :(
One night when Caleb was 6 weeks, he rejected the Moby Wrap at Bible Study. It had never let me down before and I panicked, until I realized it was because he didn't like being all curled up frog legged in it anymore (tear...he is growing up so fast!). So now he likes it again; his little legs just needed more room.

His Dislikes-
Mostly the same as 1 mo., but he has had 4 car rides where he hasn't cried! (this is HUGE!)

And he doesn't mind being changed as much as he used to, which we are VERY thankful for :)

Big Events for Month 2 of Life
-I am so thankful I know a couple of friends using cloth diapers, otherwise I probably wouldn't have ever thought to try them. We started Cloth Diapers when he was 6 weeks old. So far I really like them (Caleb wasn't so sure at first)! We are using Bum Genius 4.0. They are much easier than what most people think of when they hear "cloth diapers". They go on really easily with snaps and the clean up in the breastfed stage isn't hard at all. It feels so good to save money and help save the environment. Washing diapers every two-three days beats spending $50+ a month on disposable diapers in our book.

Caleb wasn't so sure about his cloth diapers at first, but now he is a fan...and he looks so small here. He has already grown so much in the last few weeks!

-Caleb visited a Pumpkin Patch with Mimi and Paw Paw and Daddy and Mommy
when we first got there, Caleb was very upset and Paw Paw tried to calm him down for pictures :(

5 weeks old

-Caleb dressed up as a cow for Halloween (sadly, he wasn't too happy about this). I am so glad I chose to make his costume this year rather than buy it, seeing as he was only in it for less than an hour and wasn't a big fan.
so easy and fun to make :)

his little legs were so skinny...he's got a little bit more meat on him now :)

a couple of farmers and their cow

-Celebrated Aunt Kayla's Birthday with his first ever trip to a restaurant (Natalita's)
my beautiful sister is now 25!

-Met Uncle Rocky and Aunt Linda (he wasn't in a super happy mood)
It was so great to see Aunt Linda and Uncle Rocky- they came in town for Cole's football game against U of H

-Spent an afternoon with Melissa :)
I am so thankful for this amazing friend of over a decade. She is so gracious and generous and so sweet to come and spend time with us on her day off!

-weeks 5 through 8 were really rough in general, but we did start Gerber Soothe Probiotics and they seemed to have help a LOT. The box said "clinically shown to reduce crying by 50%", and I thought, "yeah...right" I think this has been true for us or perhaps Caleb is just growing out of his colicky/gassy/refluxy stage. He is still fussy in the evenings, but he has much more predictable awake/happy times. I honestly think he is growing really quickly and when he goes through one of his "growth spurts" he wants to eat a lot- and doesn't seem content often. We still haven't put him on reflux meds....I did ask the doctor about them, but she advised holding off a little longer and seeing if he outgrows this stage/seeing if the probiotics continue to help.

What God is teaching me now:

Two words: LOOK UP. During his second month of life Caleb began looking up all the time. I know this is common for babies, this obsession with fans and lights, but God has used it to remind me to look up (at Him) and to Him for my approval and purpose. The transition to stay at home Mom has been a little rougher than I thought. I am so unbelievably thankful for the opportunity and blessing of being able to have this time at home with Caleb daily, but I do miss teaching a lot. I loved my 7 years in the classroom and getting to interact with my wonderful and goofy and crazy teenagers daily. The job of teaching mostly seniors in high school filled me with an immense since of purpose and joy. I know not everyone is blessed enough to feel like their job is a calling, tailor made for them and a place where God has placed them for ministry, but I truly felt like I was in my sweet spot at Cypress Woods.

Now I am learning how to be in this new place, this new sweet spot God has me in, and God is faithful. For now I have my little classroom of 1, and I sure do love my student. I am reminded to look up to God, for He alone is worthy to be worshiped (Revelation 4). He should be supreme in my thoughts and affections. I should prize my relationship with Jesus first, above all others- I should LOOK to Him and be saved....

John 3:16, do you know it?

I think if you have ever been to a church service for Easter you probably have heard it..."For God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever shall believe in Him shall not perish but have eternal life"...

Well do you know what comes before it?

John 3:14-15:
14 As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up; 15 so that whoever believes will in Him have eternal life.

What is this reference to Moses lifting up a serpent?  In Numbers 21:8 we find: "Then the LORD said to Moses, "Make a fiery serpent, and set it on a standard; and it shall come about, that everyone who is bitten, when he looks at it, he will live." 

The people were yet again complaining to the Lord about their life in the desert and God sent serpents to teach them a lesson. Many Israelites died but then after Moses prayed for the people God told him to make a bronze serpent and anyone who simply looked on the serpent would be healed (fun fact: this is where the medical symbol that looks like a staff with a snake wrapped around it comes from). This LOOKING to is an act of faith. LOOK TO is synonymous with HAVE FAITH, place complete trust in/confidence/hope. When you LOOK to someone to handle a problem for you, it means you trust them to handle it- you are letting them lead. This is what it means to have faith, to place continual belief in and live dependently on Christ- a looking to, saying Christ, you live your life through me. Not my will, but your will be done. No matter what this life brings I know I need to LOOK up and to the Lord, for He alone is who I want to please. I have Caleb to thank for this reminder. I am sure God will continue to use him to teach me many, many things through out this lifetime.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Happy One Month Caleb!

One Month....a little late

I can't believe how quickly one month has passed for our sweet boy! It has been FULL. Full of many tears (Caleb's and ours), full of smiles, full of visitors, full of yummy meals brought to us by sweet friends, full of growth, full of being humbled, full of frustration, full of sleepless nights, but also full of being so in love with and in awe of our little miracle.

Here are some one month pics :)

 His stats:
We aren't sure because he didn't have a one month apt, but he was back to his birth weight at two weeks. We are guessing he was around 10 lbs and 23.5 inches long.

Things Caleb likes pretty much all the time: seriously, this boy likes to eat. It is one of the only thing that calms him. I am breastfeeding, so a lot of times it means I spend much of my day doing just that as it is one thing that will make Caleb happy. I have pumped a few times, and thankfully Caleb has taken a bottle pretty well on those occasions.

First Bottle, the day before he was 4 weeks. We wanted to make sure he would take one because we left him with Mimi the next night for our first date night. :)

-going on walks outside in the Moby Wrap or Ergo Baby Carrier- sadly he isn't really a fan of his carseat in the stroller combo
Daddy prefers the Ergo carrier, as he says it's more "manly"
This wrap has been a life saver. It is how I can get him to sleep for a little while at least once every day.

-taking a bath (once we switched to real baths at 3 weeks after his umbilical cord fell off)

Things Caleb likes sometimes:
-being held facing outward

-"sitting up", being supported by the boppy

-when Daddy whistles

-his bouncy seat

-being read to

-his Mams pacy- I bought every brand is this is the only one he will take and ONLY if we are on a walk and I hold it in his mouth or we are in the car and I am in the backseat with him and hold it in his mouth, or sometimes if I hold it in his mouth when he is in the swing. When he was a few days old he would sometimes take it during other times of the day.
This combo used to work great for getting Caleb to sleep- snug swaddle in the Swaddle Me and in the Rock N Play. He has hence learned how to bust out of this swaddle (we now use the miracle blanket) and no longer will sleep more than 30 min. in the Rock N Play :(

Things that make Caleb scream (and these all break my heart):
-being changed (his diaper or clothes)
this face is the one that makes me want to cry

-almost any time we lay him down unless he is really, really soundly sleeping
-sometimes during feeding
-being in the car seat, even while driving- this is the hardest thing because it makes me never want to go anywhere. He screams bloody murder for however long we are driving- I have tried paci (sometimes that works if I can be siting in the back with him holding it in his mouth), tried the windows rolled down some, static on the radio, hanging toys, etc- nothing seems to work)
-tummy time
-getting out of the bath

-no reason at all (or maybe its gas or reflux...we don't know)
or maybe he's screaming because the Aggies and Sooners aren't doing as well as Mommy and Daddy would have liked this year in football

Highlights from Caleb's first month of life:
-he can hold up his head/turn it from right to left
-got to spend the first week home with Mommy and Daddy- this mostly consisted of us feeding him, changing him, him sleeping on us and a few ventures out for an afternoon walk
Nothing melts a Momma's heart more than seeing her baby sleep on his Daddy

Our first family walk, and one of only two times we have actually walked with the stroller

Family Selfie on our 2nd night home- so in love with and in awe that we have a son.
-got to spend the second week home with Mommy and Mimi
Our daily walk

Caleb loves his Mimi and so do we!

I have the best Mom. I am so beyond thankful for her.

-had countless visitors come and meet him and hold him and bring him presents or us meals- we were so blessed by so many. We cannot be more thankful for the kindness displayed by so many friends and family, many pictured below (some came who aren't pictured due to Caleb eating during the time they were here, him being fussy or me just forgetting to take a pic-we love all of you too!)

sleeping on Paw Paw

-had some amazing Newborn pics taken by the very talented Micaela Erskine- check her out here: Allay Photography

-has made outings to Target, Kroger, church, Bible study fellowship and the pediatrician
Our first trip to Target

-got dedicated at church at 3 weeks (that was also his first trip to church)
My sweet friend, Katey, came and took some great pictures for us! We are so thankful for our church family.

Thoughts on motherhood so far:
It is hard. Way, way harder than I imagined. I read an article the other day that defined happiness as reality-expecations. I expected motherhood to be difficult. Everyone says it is, but I didn't expect it to be this challenging. I guess it's because, let's be honest, I expected to have an Angel baby (doesn't every one?)- the kind that rarely cry, are content to just be in their car seat and hang out there while you cart them along various places, the kind that is happily held by anyone, the type of baby who is sleeping in their crib by one month or so on their way to sleep training and who wakes up happy.

I read A LOT of books. I love to research. I asked a few very gracious friends many, many questions. I had a plan- a lose plan anyways- to follow Happiest Baby on the Block combo Babywise-ish/Baby Whisperer which both advocate chunks of Eat, Wake, Sleep to schedule your day. I also planned on not putting him down asleep, but slightly drowsy so he could fall asleep on his own. I planned on not using a paci or putting him in bed with us or nursing to sleep. And guess what? I have done When it is your 5th night in a row on maybe 2 hrs scattered sleep you will pretty much do anything to try to get your baby to sleep. I am used to being able to excel at things- academics, career, relationships, etc. I was wired from a young age to be a high-achiever. And I thought I would be able to calm my baby- to get him to do the basic things like eat and sleep. Well, God has used this journey so far to humble me greatly. I am so full of grace for every parent out there trying to do his or her best to raise their child. It is hard work. Every baby is different and we all need to show each other grace. Caleb cries- like SCREAMS a blood curdling scream that will break your heart- and he does so unless he is eating or sleeping except for maybe 20 min of happy awake time total all day.

Everyone tells you different things, and you have no idea what is normal. Do babies cry? Yes, but do babies cry this much, for this long? How are we to know? Does he have colic (another word for cries excessively)-so weirdly defined as a baby who cries for more than 3 days a week for more than 3 hours at a time for 3 weeks- seriously, who came up with that Is he just gassy? Does he have silent reflux? Is he getting enough food/is he just starving all of the time? Is he overtired? Or, is he just having trouble adjusting to life outside the womb? In our information age it is so easy to be overwhelmed with advice and so much of it conflicting it is so hard to know what do to. We have tried gripe water, colic calm, and by the pediatricians advice are now trying gas drops and I am eliminating dairy from my diet. If that doesn't work then we will try reflux medicine (I am so reluctant to give him medicine if he doesn't need it but I don't want him to be in pain).

A friend shared this hilarious article that one mom wrote about all the conflicting advice out there. It made me crack up because it is so very true:
Read this for a laugh

Another blog post I did find very helpful for a least a week was this one on getting your baby to sleep more often. I was so focused on making sure I fed him every 2-3 hours that I didn't even think about the fact that when he woke up from a nap I should probably try to get him to go back to sleep with in an hour or so. She said the number one mistake parents of newborns make is keeping their little ones up for too long. They need so much sleep. This helped me learn how to get him to sleep in his swing, too. I thought he hated his swing, but then I followed her advice and he slept really well for about 5 days- naps and during the night. But it didn't last that long. Caleb tends to like to keep us guessing. Something will work for a couple of days and then he's like, "Nope, not anymore- what else you got? Surprise me." Here is the link to website that helped some:
Troublesome Tots (I followed the advise for 0-3 months)

What God is teaching me:
I haven't found very much time to be in the Scriptures, but God has still been faithful to teach me in this season. I am doing Bible Study Fellowship (an interdenominational international Bible study- you should check it out!) and we are studying the life of Moses. Last week we were talking about the Israelites in the desert. Even those who are not familiar with the Bible at all probably know a little of the story- "Pharoah, Pharoah, Ooooooooooo Let my people go.." (the song anyone?) or from the classic Ten Commandments movie shown every Easter. Basically God miraculously delivers His people after showing His great power through all the plagues and then He even parts the Red Sea to lead 2 million (yes MILLION) people out of slavery. Well once they are delivered, they realize life in the desert isn't so grand. They start to reminisce about life in Egypt (where they were SLAVES mind you!) and start to complain to Moses, their leader- they say it would be better if they would have died in Egypt. They are complaining and grumbling due to lack of food and water, and guess what, God provides food (mana- bread from Heaven and quail) and He also provides water out of a rock- both foreshadowing Jesus who would come later and be the Bread of Life and the Living Water. They so quickly forgot the joy and crazy POWER of God shown and when life gets hard they start to doubt God's goodness and His ability to provide.

So when I was little I used to think those Israelites were so dumb- how could they not trust God, He just parted the Red Sea and He did every single thing He said He would. How could they not believe? As I have gotten older I identify more and more with the Israelites. A couple of weeks ago when we were discussing this lesson I was so convicted of my grumbling. I am so frustrated with myself. I can either focus on the seemingly difficult circumstances of the past year- a diagnosis of my heart issue, a miscarriage, a pregnancy that was rather difficult due to extreme fear (fear of miscarriage, fear of something happening to me or Caleb due to my heart) and financially because of all of the extra tests the doctors wanted me to do because of my heart and physically because I was really sick a couple of different times (mono for the first month was super scary because I had a fever every single day in such a crucial time of development- I also had a couple of other infections and had to take antibiotic twice), the labor was a difficult ordeal as well and now the newborn days have been a challenge, too. I can look at all these things and think, man, I have it rough compared to so and so, or I can look at these very things and say, "Praise God!" He gave us a baby. He so generously provided even in my sickness- how cool is that - Caleb was protected when I was sick. He formed Caleb's heart perfectly even though mine was not. He graciously allowed us to find out about my heart condition so we could take extra precautions that perhaps saved my life or Caleb's or make it possible to have future children as the doctors tried to limit the stress on my heart. God protected Caleb during delivery when his cord was wrapped around his neck and He still allowed me to have a vaginal delivery. He gave the doctors wisdom and skill. He gave us THIS baby- our Caleb Paul because He loves us. He chose us just for him and him just for us and God will teach us all through the process. He has already humbled me so much. I have never felt like I needed God more or felt so inadequate, and that is good, because it causes me to look to God and depend on Him. How can I not fall down on my knees and praise God for His provision? How can I look at my current circumstance and complain? I have no right to do so. God is good. All. the. time. His goodness is outside of our circumstance. How often I need reminding of that. I cannot left the difficulty of this season still the joy.

This week we talked about the 10 commandments, which often seem somewhat elementary. One can easily say in their mind," Yeah, yeah I got those. I don't steal, kill, cheat, etc." But the 10th one says do not covet. Wow. That is tough. How often do I look at some other Mom either in real life or on facebook or instagram and think, man, she is doing such a better job than me- or I wish my baby slept like that or took a paci or fill in the blank. I sometimes find myself thinking, "It must be nice". Comparison is the stealer of all joy. Coveting is not trusting in God. It is wanting something other than what God has given us. It really was what led to the first sin. Although God had given Adam and Even EVERY tree in the garden except one- they wanted the ONE that He told them to stay away from (for their GOOD). It leads to discontentment and a slew of other nasty things. What is the remedy? Be THANKFUL. As it says in Colossians 3: "Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry". Greed/covetousness leads to idolatry- worshiping (giving our hearts hope and affections and adoration) to something or someone else besides God, who is the only One who can fill us. And in verse 15 it says, "And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body and BE THANKFUL."

I am thankful for so many things. First, God gave me such a gift in Bryan. He has been amazing- waking up at night, watching Caleb in the evenings when I go tutor. He patiently sings to him and rocks him and carries him in the Ergo carrier to put Caleb to sleep. He isn't afraid to change dirty diapers and lovingly holds our often screaming son. He gets up early every morning and goes to work and works hard to provide for our family. He has been so supportive and encouraged me to stay at home even though it makes things tighter financially. He always gives value to my day and tells me thank you for caring for our son. He SEES me, and he loves me so well as my best friend (and for those of you reading this comparing your husband to mine or thinking I wish I had a husband- stop right now- God gives each according to His goodness. Be thankful for your hubby or your singleness. I have often been guilty of that whole comparison thing - see above- and remember, it steals your joy!). I am thankful for our home, for our neighbors, for our friends and loving family. I am SO thankful for my mom who has come over on countless occasions and held Caleb so he could sleep and we could, too. I am thankful for so many who have prayed for and encouraged us during these hard days. Although I really miss teaching, I am thankful I am not back at work right now. I get to be the one who can care for Caleb, and it is an honor and a privilege. And I am so very thankful God gave us the gift of a child. If there is anything I have learned it's that getting pregnant/your pregnancy/raising kids is not really in our control. We can do some things, don't get me wrong- our choices do matter- but ultimately so many things are out of our hands. I did nothing to deserve this precious gift.

I have been made so very aware of my selfishness. I am so used to finding my identity and sense of purpose in getting things done/checking off a to do list. On those personality tests, I always come out almost equally task and people oriented. I really am a little of both, and right now, in this season, when Caleb is so very needy I have trouble doing either of those things- completing tasks, or  keeping up with relationships. Some days I don't even get dressed and all I do is hold him/feed him/change him all day. But, I want to soak up these moments, with him tiny and small snuggled under my neck. I so often find myself wanting to rush through them so I can lay him down for his nap so I can get things done around the house or take a shower or eat lunch. But he is only this little once. He is my assignment for these days- loving him and meeting his needs. (Psalm 16- He is my portion, Psalm 127- children are a reward and a gift from God). John 17:4- Jesus says He glorified God by completing the work God gave Him to do, not the work He wanted to do or thought necessary but the work God assigned Him. I want to joyfully embrace this time as the work God gave me to do. How can I not be so thankful?