This time, I was only able to get one shot before he ripped off his sticker :)
His Stats:
Our estimate is that Caleb is somewhere around 20 lbs (I sat him on our not so reliable scale and it said 21.4 lbs, but then the next day it said 18.9 so who knows?) and somewhere around 29 inches long. His 6 months clothes are really too small for him, but there are a few onesies that I can still stretch to fit him, and I am just not ready to pack them all up yet. He mostly wears 9 months clothes and has fit into a few 12 month things, as well. When we ran out of our size 3 diapers we decided to go ahead and move up to size 4 since we don't use that many disposable diapers and like to buy in bulk. Caleb's hair is still a little crazy, but it is getting lighter. Sadly, his eyes are no longer blue. But they are super pretty, and I'm not for sure what color to say they are- maybe grey or hazel.
- we have decided he officially says "Mama"- he still doesn't know Mama is me, but we are deciding to count it anyway. He most often makes the "Mama" babble/noise/word when he is tired or frustrated or wants to move or get something and he can't quite reach it.
- He also kind of says, "More" but it is more like "Mo" when I am feeding him and he wants me to give him another bite. We are still working on the whole sign language thing.
- He is still not crawling, but he sure wants to. He planks often (he holds his whole body off the floor for several seconds) and then will plop it back down and kind of inch forward when he does this. He also will scoot backwards. Caleb will occasionally be up on his knees and rock back and forth (I sometimes find him like this in his crib in the morning), so it probably won't be long before he is mobile. I don't know how I feel about this....I think it scares me a little. Time seems to be going by so quickly! And once he starts really moving, I know it will be a whole new world around here.
he wants to crawl so badly! |
up on all fours |
- He can pull himself up from my lap using the coffee table. His leg strength has always amazed me. Bryan laughs at me, but the first thing I noticed about Caleb (I didn't get to hold him right away since the umbilical cord was wrapped so tightly around his neck) when they were cleaning him off were his quad muscles.
flashback to when I first saw Caleb (I wasn't allowed to hold him right away due to the umbilical cord) |
I miss him being this small |
- He can "feed" himself some foods- broccoli is his favorite food to do this with because it is so easy to hold.
- He can sometimes drink from his sippy cup all by himself. He hasn't completely mastered it, but he is getting better.
"I got this Mom." |
- got his first tooth Easter morning!
- experienced stranger anxiety for a couple of weeks just before Easter....he would start crying when any one new would talk to him. It made me so sad, but I am so thankful it only lasted a couple of weeks!
- we were successful for the first time ever taking him out of his carseat asleep and keeping him asleep!
he was passed out after church |
Things that Caleb likes/that make him laugh:
seeing/acknowledging himself in the mirror
he seems to have finally noticed Tenley (our dog) and he loves her
for one night he wouldn't stop cracking up overtime I said "uh Oh!"
he thinks it's funny when we bounce things
he is slowly starting chewing books less, and "reading" them more
This was a busy month with many fun events!:
- Spent the day with Aunt Kayla
doing the Wobble
meeting Yaxing for the first time |
- had fun swinging with Mimi and on his new swing hanging in our front yard
- rode in a shopping cart for the first time!
he wasn't so sure about it and I ended up carrying him for most of the grocery store trip |
- had his first trip to the mall
at the same mall food court I went to as a baby |
he was excited to shop! |
- visited Ms. Becky and Ms. Pam at Cy Woods; I've missed these sweet ladies so much!
- went to the Loop Campus for the first time for the Maundy Thursday service
- celebrated his first Easter
Daddy reading to him about the Resurrection |
happy boy |
at church |
with Uncle John |
playing with his new toy Aunt Kayla got him |
talking to Maw Maw |
In Uncle A's new corvette |
with Mimi |
The Hubbles |
with Mimi and Paw Paw |
family pic |
- had his first trip to the zoo
- met his new buddy, Judson
- celebrated Meagan's engagement!
- met my best friends' from middle school/high school little girls
- had a fun time playing with his big buddy Easton
- made a few trips to the library- I have loved rediscovering the fun of the public library! They have almost everything and you can rent out movies there, too- who knew?!
- found out his new baby cousin is a GIRL!
at first he wasn't too happy |
but the idea grew on him ;) |
his baseball hat finally fits (sort of) |
I love this little man so much |
all dressed up for church, and I just couldn't help but take a pic in this outfit :) |
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